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Dozens of Musicians Headed to SCMEA

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Throughout the district, student-musicians have been chosen to represent the district at the Suffolk County Music Educator Association’s All-County Music Festival. They will have the opportunity to perform with the top musicians from Suffolk County.

The district extends its congratulations to the following students:

Bayview Elementary School: Melinda Gardini, Lina Tofano, Madeline Tourin and Colin White.

Paul J. Bellew Elementary School: Kate Jones, Caitlin Morgan, Julia Munch, Everly O'Neill, Niko Rakamaric, Lauren Rush, Mason Stack, Charlotte Stergakos, Gianna Tarantino and Ava Doherty.

Oquenock Elementary School: Oliver Alfano, Olivia Kropp and Bentley Syrok.

Manetuck Elementary School: Samantha Apap, Dylan Bliss, Alexis Lackington and McKenna Regan.

Udall Road Middle School: Giuliana Accomando, Tyler Burnett, Natalie Chrostek, Ellie Connors, Isla Darragh, Gwendolyn Dieckmann, Isabella Fedyshyn, Luke Jablonski, Addison Kuchler, James Newsom, Luna Pankratz, Alexander Quijije, Aubrey Lynne Raffaele, Ruby Ryczek-Weir, Derica Shi, Natalie Stasik, Reagan Sullivan, Owen Treanor and Jensen Langhorn.

Beach Street Middle School: Kole Aspetti, Fiona Cestaro, Delilah D'Amico, Brynn Ehlers, Juliet Feminella, Aria Isoldi, Hailey Kearney, Emma Luciano, Anna McInerney, Dominic Montemaggiore, Luca Montrony, Evelyn Moore, Dante Morales, Maya Pellati, Chris Randazzo, Jenna Schroeder, Tyler Schulken, William Siegemann, Lilybeth Tarrantino, Melanie Triolo and Sebastian Stasi.

West Islip High School: James Aspetti, Natalie Aspetti, Jennie Longo-Cestaro, Aleksander Chaberek, Leah Chiaravalloti, Lauren Demarest, Ruslan Ermakov, Colin German, Jackson Gladd, Amanda Guimaraes, Everett Lu, Penelope Madocks, Zachary McGrath, Jacob Padilla, Rishabh Patnaik, Alyssa Romanelli, Joseph Statkevicus, Alyssa Tobia, Willow Vaughan and Mason Johnson.

Click here to view the Dozens of Musicians Headed to SCMEA slideshow.

Date Added: 3/7/2025