Data Privacy
COMMITMENT TO CYBERSECURITY The West Islip UFSD has implemented the requirements of Education Law Section 2-d and its implementing regulations, as well as to align the West Islip UFSD’s data privacy and security practices with the National Institute for Standards and Technology Framework for Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity (Version 1.1). With regard to personnel and business practices, this procedure is intended to supplement current policy/procedures regarding PII.
FAMILY EDUCATIONAL RIGHTS AND PRIVACY ACT (FERPA) In accordance with State and Federal law, the Board of Education has adopted Policy #7240, Student Records: Access and Change. Copies of this policy are available on the District’s website at: Notice is hereby provided that a parent or guardian (or the student him/herself if over 18) has a right to inspect and review the student’s education records, request amendment thereof in certain circumstances, consent to disclosure of personally identifiable information except as otherwise permitted by law and file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning FERPA compliance. Requests to review or inspect a student’s education records should be addressed to Data Privacy Officer, 100 Sherman Ave, West Islip, NY 11795.
DIRECTORY INFORMATION The District will not disclose personally identifiable information from a student’s education records, except to the extent that it is authorized to do so upon written consent of a parent or eligible student, or where it is otherwise required by law to do so. However, the Board of Education has designated the following types of personally identifiable student information maintained in student records as directory information: the student’s name, address, telephone listing, date and place of birth, major field of study, participation in officially recognized activities and sports, weight and height (if members of athletic teams), degrees and awards received, post-secondary institution acceptances, and the name of the educational agency or institution previously attended by the student. The District may disclose directory information about current or former students. A parent/guardian of a current student or eligible current student has the right to refuse to let the District designate any or all of these types of information about the student as directory information, provided that the parent /guardian or eligible student notifies that student’s building principal in writing, not later than 10 days after the first school day of the year, or 10 school days after the student’s enrollment in the District, whichever shall be later, that he or she does not want any or all of these types of information about the student designated as directory information.
BREACH NOTIFICATION In the event of a breach, the district will notify families via email using the same communication software used for closures, delayed openings, etc