Adult Education

Kevin Murphy, Director of Adult Education
Paul J. Bellew Elementary School
25 Higbie Lane, West Islip, NY 11795
631- 504-5616
Click the link to the left to download the Adult Education Brochure and registration form. You can also pay and register for classes online. Go to the MySchoolBucks link to access the Online Payment System. (Please note that there is a nominal fee.) Registration is still available by mail. Use the registration form in the brochure. Please write a separate check and separate registration form for each person and each course. Checks should be made payable to: WEST ISLIP SCHOOL DISTRICT.
You are automatically enrolled unless otherwise notified and are expected to report to your first class.
Smoking is NOT permitted anywhere on school grounds.
The Board of Education has mandated that the Continuing Education Program be self-sustaining. If a course for which you registered is cancelled due to lack of registration or other circumstances, you will be notified and your check will be returned. No fees will be refunded after a course has begun. A course credit will be issued at the discretion of the Director.
Certain courses require additional fees as indicated in the course description. The fee is to be paid to the instructor.
Residents of the West Islip School District have priority over non-residents during registration.
You must be 18 years of age or over to participate, with the exception of the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary course.
Class size is at the discretion of the Director.
Whenever the West Islip Public Schools are closed for school holidays, inclement weather, etc; the School of Continuing Education will not meet. Announcements will be made over the local radio stations. If a one-night class is cancelled because of the weather, it will be re-scheduled. It is the instructor’s responsibility to notify you if he/she will not have class due to illness or an emergency situation. It is suggested that the instructor and the students exchange phone numbers.
Registration fees listed for each course are for Residents. Non-residents must pay an additional $10.00 for each course. There will be a $15.00 fee for each returned check. In addition, we ask that all course payments be made in the form of a check or money order. There will be a late fee of $10.00 for all who register after the deadline.
Residents of the school district, age 65 or older, are invited to participate in a course with a 10% Senior Citizen Discount.
Please use the school parking areas only. Avoid parking on side roads, in front of, and around the school building. Illegally parked cars will be ticketed. Parking is not permitted in the front of the High School. The front doors are locked. The back entrances must be used to enter the building.
School of Continuing Education assumes no responsibility for any injury incurred from participation in any class. Registrants are advised to check with their physicians should there be any questions as to their ability to participate in any specific activity.