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Assemblyman Tours West Islip High School’s CTE Offerings

Staff in front of the Welcome to WIHS Assemblyman Michael Durso sign thumbnail264411

West Islip Union Free School District administrators welcomed Assemblyman Michael Durso for a tour of the Career and Technical Education programs at West Islip High School on Feb. 13. Assemblyman Durso recently helped to secure a $30,000 donation to support the school’s CTE offerings. The donation was used for raw materials and welding supplies for the students. This included a steel plate, welding helmets, protective jackets and the newly installed ventilation system.

“Contributions like this have allowed us to grow our CTE program – including the welding program – and expand our course offerings for students,” said Superintendent of Schools Dr. Paul Romanelli. Assemblyman Durso had the opportunity to see CTE classes in action during the tour, including technology, engineering, automotive and welding. Students gifted him with a custom etched glass and a keychain, made in the high school programs.

Click here to view the Assemblyman Tours West Islip High School’s CTE Offerings slideshow.

Date Added: 2/26/2025