Dr. Romanelli and the Board of Education have recently reached out to our local Legislators with the following message:

I am reaching out today to discuss Universal Pre-Kindergarten, and specifically, how the West Islip community is impacted by our current system.

In 1997, New York State launched a major initiative to expand access to high quality early childhood education. Since its inception, Universal Pre-kindergarten has provided those opportunities for over two million children. But changes are needed to enable the program to achieve its full promise.

In West Islip, we receive $5400 for each of our 213 students allocated for via Pre-K grant funding.  This funding amount has not changed in 18 years.  In addition, community interest in the program has far exceeded the allocated amount of 213 students.  We are currently turning families away above our allocated amount, while other districts are not fully utilizing the funding and student spaces available to them.  Many never reach their capped number.  Districts should not only be allocated the necessary amount of spaces for all interested students, the overall per pupil amount should be raised to reflect current costs and needs.

Just as a quick point of reference, in West Islip, we had 276 families apply for Pre-K.  Based on our allocation of 213 students, we will have to turn away 63 students this year.  Those families are forced to either pay for a private program or keep their child home because it is not affordable.  The issue of students with special needs and economically disadvantaged families being turned away is one that is very difficult pill for us to swallow as well.  In years past we have funded the program’s cost difference above our grant allocation to provide this opportunity for all students; however, this has become unsustainable for us financially with growing costs and enrollment.  We would truly appreciate your advocacy in this area!!!!

Thank you, as always, for your leadership and support!

We encourage our community to reach out to our legislators as well and share their own message about why the expansion of Pre-K funding is important to them!

Local Contacts:



Date Added: 2/7/2025