During the third week of the Summer Investigations elementary program, students focused on the world of fantastic fiction, fairytales and folktales. During their time in the library, students listened to stories and researched different authors. They also read different fairytales throughout the week in their classrooms and discussed fractured fairytales that feature humor and surprise endings.
In another investigation at the STEM lab, students learned about repurposing and recycling using crayons. They discussed properties and states of matter, and conducted an experiment using broken crayon pieces. They witnessed crayons changing from a solid to a liquid when heated in the Crayola Melt and Mold Factory and then back to a solid when cooled. They put their rayons in a mold to create rings and different shapes.
Click here to view the Summer Program Focuses on the World of Fairytales slideshow.
Date Added: 7/25/2024