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West Islip Students Take Home Honors at LISEF

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West Islip High School students recently competed at the Long Island Science and Engineering Fair. Under the direction of science teacher Mary Kroll, several students took home top awards. Congratulations to the following students:

* Emilia Miranda – Honorable Mention in Animal Science and Exceptional Genius Award (Project: Analyzing Microplastic Quantity and Chemical Composition in Farm-Raised vs Wild-Caught Shrimp for Human Consumption Using Infrared Spectroscopy)
* Ryan Deegan and Isabella Tussie - Honorable Mention in Biomedical and Health Sciences (Project: Analyzing C. elegans as a Cancer Model using Infrared Microspectroscopy)
* Emily Podolska - Honorable Mention in Biomedical and Health Sciences (Project: Evaluating Herbal Supplements through Mineral Content and DNA Analysis)

Date Added: 3/28/2025

Board of Education Planning Session Agenda - March 25, 2025 (Revised)

Date Added: 3/27/2025


Budget Workshop #3

Date Added: 3/24/2025


Bellew Holds Annual Geography Bee

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Paul J. Bellew Elementary School held its annual Geography Bee for fourth and fifth graders to celebrate the conclusion of the Geography Club. The club was facilitated by Ms. McCarthy and Mrs. Stern. Students had the opportunity to share their knowledge of landforms, countries, capitals and landmarks. Parents were invited to attend and watch the Geo Bee along with the fourth and fifth grade student body. The top geography masters were Niko Rakamaric, Gianna Bacchi and Everly O'Neill. Congratulations to all the participants!

Click here to view the Bellew Holds Annual Geography Bee slideshow.

Date Added: 3/26/2025

Kindergarten Registration 2025-2026

Please note that Registration begins on Tuesday, February 18.

Click here to begin the registration Process.

Date Added: 2/18/2025
